Crowd Farming Platform with Weather Index Based Crop Insurance using Smart Contract

Aabiskar Pandey
Semester 7
Downloads 96

Weather and volatile market demand for crops are the two biggest concerns for farmers in developing countries like Nepal. Risk of crop production has worsened by changing weather patterns due to climate change. Conventional crop insurance systems are complex and often not feasible economically. Farmers are reluctant to get covered for their crops due to lack of trust in insurance firms and the fear of delayed or non-payment of claims. Farmers want rapid assistance when a natural disaster strikes so that plantation can be redone within the growing period. Crop insurance that is simple, reliable, and affordable is consequently critical, not only for farmer’s well-being, but also for the nation's food security. In this paper, a blockchain based platform for crowd farming with weather index-based crop insurance is presented. The solution presented is a platform that allows general customers to invest in agricultural projects in return for harvest from the field. To minimize risk from climatic disasters an affordable, efficient, low-cost crop insurance solution is also integrated which will ensure that farmers are insured and benefited from timely crop insurance. Currently, the expense of administering insurance is a considerable barrier to entry into this market. With the correct technology, this cost can be drastically lowered. Decentralized architecture and smart contract is the core foundation for achieving this platform since smart contract maintains trust among two involved parties and triggers unbiased payouts based on certain parameters. The success of this model can lead to developments in crowdfunding platforms, supply chain management system as well as other form of insurance

Climate change
Crop Insurance
Crowd farming Smart-contracts

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