Sanjana Dangol
Sanjana Dangol
Semester 5
Downloads 9

“Disease Prediction System” predicts the disease of the user on the basis of the symptoms granted by the user as an input to the system. The symptoms which are provided by the user as input are analyzed by the system. After the symptoms are provided by the user, the system gives the probable disease as an output. The goal of this system is to implement machine learning algorithm that analyzes the symptoms to predict the probable disease. There are many machine learning algorithms such as K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Random Forests, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) and many more. Amongst all, Random Forests is being used for the prediction of disease as to produce the best result. Moreover, instead of directly performing treatment for the patient, if the disease is predicted beforehand using certain machine learning algorithms then, the entire process of treatment can surely be made much more efficient. As it is said “Prevention is better than cure”, the right prediction of disease would definitely lead to an early prevention of that particular disease

Disease Prediction
Random Forests
Supervised Machine Learning
Disease Prediction
Random Forests
Supervised Machine Learning

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