Bandana Aryal
Semester 7
Downloads 7

In this modern day of digitization where almost everything is available in digital platforms, the spread news which used to be available only on the television or newspaper is easily available via the internet. This has both pros and cons as the spread of news might lead to positive impact and negative impact among the readers. The spread of news has two consequences: the easy access of news at low cost or wide spread of fake news. The spread of fake news leads to negative impact in society. Most people believe everything they read on the internet without considering the fact that the news might be fake. So, this web application has been designed and developed for the detection of fake news. This web application detects the fake news present on an online medium using Supervised Learning Algorithms. For this, a dataset was used with various information such as subject, body, writer and the context of the statement. After this, NLP techniques and supervised learning algorithms were used to classify news based on their truthfulness and falseness. This web application gives the results as whether the news entered is true or false and also provides the truth probability score.

Web Application
fake news detection
supervised learning
naïve bayes
Logistic Regression
truth probability score

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