Heartbeat- A Personal Medical Status Recorder

Sujan Adhikari
Semester 5
Downloads 5

The personal health record can be vital part to enhance our healthcare but this has been missing in our approach. Personally, the only approach we have is to keep records in hardcopies which we keep on losing, misplacing. This kind of medical practice may lead to mistreatment, recurring tests and so on. In order to improve such practice, I worked on to create a software that enables users to record their medical records digitally. The project gives personal approach to record keeping and the individual is able to share their medical records when needed. Also the project enables users to assign caretakers who are able to view the medical records of that particular user. This paper analyses the gap in the personal medical care due to improper management of personal medical record. The system proposed in the paper works on to reduce the gap created, by providing digital approach to recordkeeping system.

Medical Record
Care Taker
Digital Record

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