Implementing TAPAS Architecture to Query Structured Data using Plain Human Lanuage

Aakash Bhandari
Semester 7
Downloads 16

Semantic Parsing is a task of parsing through a structured data to get information. This task is important to get data from tabular structure content such as tables. The project focuses on using TAPAS architecture to get information from a table for a given English language query. The project is a sub task of Question Answering system and an extension to Text to-SQL system to obtain the user-desired answers from the content. In this project, a web platform is created which allows people to query a table-based data and get the answers from it. The application provides a way to upload a tabular sheet, modify the content, and then ask the question in plain English language. For the application, Google’s Table Parsing (TAPAS) architecture is finetuned on WikiSQL dataset. The system provides satisfactory output for the questions with the accuracy of approximately 84.76% on validation set. The system does operation such as search operation on string data and operations like sum, count and average on numerical data. The output also depends upon the choice of words used by the user. The system can take synonyms of some words which are contextual to a certain extent but struggles in non-contextual words. The system is also dependent on the names of the columns which are present in the querying sentence.

Semantic Parsing
Table Parsing
Question Answering system

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