Mobile Application to help visually impaired people using Machine Learning Approach

Aashish Sapkota
Shreejan Pandey
Semester 7
Downloads 10

The world has experienced major growth in smart devices. Along with the growth in smart devices there has been significant advancement in AI and Machine learning. This has facilitated in developing various tools and technology to help each sector of human lives. The project is an attempt to help blind and visually impaired people to use their smart phones in performing basic tasks such as describing the environment, making emergency calls and even reading out the text. This attempts to make technology reachable to every individual. The rapidly growing development of mobile technology initially adversely affected the accessibility of device functionalities for visually disabled persons increasing their digital exclusion. Visually disabled persons through touch, gestures, voice commands and audio feedback can freely configure and run a set of applications available on a mobile device. The main goal of this project is to use the Machine learning algorithm to identify the environment. Another part of this system is to give the result automatically based on the recognized surrounding information. This paper describes the system that implements Machine learning and natural language processing to image captioning method, character recognition and carry some other useful functionality. As a result the system will assist visually impaired people to perform day to day activities.

Supervised Machine Learning
Visually Impaired
Supervised Machine Learning
Visually Impaired

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