Real Time Web Based File Sharing Application Using Socket.Io And Node.Js

Nishan Pokharel
Semester 5
Downloads 4

File sharing between users has always been a great issue. Almost every tool available for file sharing are either built for business/enterprise sector and later made available for normal users or they are pay to use product which may seem not good deal for users who rarely use the product. The objective of this project was to design an offline file sharing website, where users share the file by creating a room and joining it. Here the shared files are stored in browser’s buffer and as soon as sharing of the file is completed, then the file is downloaded immediately. Since the need for sharing files is greater now than ever, this paper analyzes some of the current existing problem in file sharing sector and attempts to solve them through a file sharing platform which at the same time addresses the need of active internet connection to share file even locally.

File Sharing
Active Connection

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