Realtime Visual Collaborator Using Mern Stack

Denisha Singh
Semester 5
Downloads 9

The internet is an incredibly powerful tool, and for decades now it has enabled people from across the globe to work together. Never before, have people been able to work so synchronously thanks to the capabilities of visual collaboration. With an ever-expanding virtual work environment, there is no ceiling on how important a visually collaborative experience will be to companies moving their work online. Visual collaboration platform doesn’t only help people connect from home, but it enables their connection to expand globally. In the future, people will be working around the globe with great frequency and virtual workspaces will be an invaluable tool to people who either cannot risk going to a physical workspace or are based in a different location. It is a necessary tool for any organization to function fluidly, so with an increase in virtual workspaces will come a natural dependence on visual collaboration tools to maintain a certain level of efficiency and communication. My project entitled Realtime Visual Collaborator using MERN Stack is developed to collaborate on ideas with their teammates in a real-time environment. It allows teams to centralize projects and communication on scalable visual boards where you can jump onto a board along with your colleagues to follow live cursors and brainstorm, present ideas, or co-create in real time.

Efficient communication

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