Visualizer for Pathfinding Algorithms and Sorting Algorithms

Surjana Joshi
Semester 7
Downloads 7

Visualization aids better understanding and creates a unified and comprehensive tool for learning. Thus, the role that visualization plays in an individuals' mathematical thinking and problem-solving experiences has become more significant. Visualization of algorithms helps to assist learners to have a deeper understanding of different algorithms, compare their usage and apply them in various applications like maps, routing packets over the internet and game development. Visualizer for Pathfinding and Sorting Algorithms can be used as an educational tool that allows learners to visually inspect the behavior of various sorting and pathfinding algorithms based on graph theory. The main aim of this system is to demonstrate the workings of different pathfinding algorithms to find the shortest path between two points on a map based on graph theory and to demonstrate the workings of sorting algorithms. After selecting the algorithm to be visualized, the user can run an automated animation to visualize the functioning of the algorithm. The pathfinding algorithms included here are Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, A* Search and Bidirectional Search. The sorting algorithms included are Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort and Merge Sort.

Search Algorithms
Graph Theory
Sorting Algorithms

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